
Meet our Volunteers: Susan Anderson

Susan helps patrons learn new things with the variety of programs she volunteers with

Meet our Volunteers: Susan Anderson

“Help your sister’s boat across the water, and yours too will reach the other side.” ~ Eric Hoffer

Susan Anderson, Special Events Volunteer with Calgary Public Library, strongly identifies with this quote by the American philosopher and the idea that helping others enriches one’s own life. So when she retired from the Library, she immediately set about volunteering…right back at the Library.

Volunteering runs in Susan’s family. “I’ve volunteered since I was a teenager. I do it because I like doing it, not for any monetary gain or external reward; I volunteer because it’s interesting to me. And, it’s really fun and a great learning experience.” To date, Susan’s volunteer role has had her playing an active role in the Library’s daytime Colossal Calgary Playdates, as well the Your Ride’s On Us and Author in Residence programs, working with children and adults alike. From Susan’s perspective, someone who wants to volunteer for the Library should like people and want to understand them, have a sense of curiosity, and be a life-long learner. “An effective volunteer has to be reliable, dependable, and passionate about what they are doing!”

The Library’s values align very closely with Susan’s, and that’s why she feels so very comfortable volunteering within the Library environment. “It’s a place for people, where I can offer assistance as patrons learn new things. Those four words the Library has—wonder, seek, discover, share—to me that just nails it. That’s what the Library is about and that’s why I’m so happy to be part of it all.”

If you’d like to join the Library’s team of volunteers in special events or a wide variety of other programs, please visit the Volunteers page.

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