About the Library

Library Board

Evan Legate

Committee Membership: Board Chair
Term End: 2024

As a child, Evan was fortunate to have a librarian as a neighbour who helped enable his love of reading from a young age. Now, as a father of two, he feels that there is no better resource than Calgary Public Library to help his children grow their own love of literacy and feed their curiosity of the world around them. Evan believes that Calgary Public Library should serve as an inclusive place for all members of the community to gather, learn, and expand their horizons. It’s Evan’s view that institutions such as Calgary Public Library have a significant role to play in our community’s pandemirecovery, and he looks forward to applying his public affairs background to help Calgary Public Library navigate this in the years ahead. 

Headshot of Evan Legate
Headshot of Al-Karim Khimij

Al-Karim Khimji 

Committee Membership: Board Vice-Chair
Term End: 2024

Al-Karim remembers the many hours he spent at Louise Riley, Shaganappi, and Signal Hill libraries as a child, reading books that allowed his imagination to wander. He loved getting lost in the story, language, and characters of the many books by Roald Dahl. Those early days of exploration and excitement at the Library were foundational to Al-Karim and his professional and volunteering journey. His appreciation for the Library further deepened as he began to understand the impact the Library has as a safe place of gathering, learning, and collaboration for all ages and members of the community. He looks forward to contributing to the Library's extensive programming and continuing the positive impact it has on the community. 

Kate Andrews

Committee membership: Governance; Strategy and Community
Term end: 2026

Some of Kate’s earliest memories are of hours spent in the A.C. Hunter Children’s Library in her hometown of St. John’s, Newfoundland, where she and her parents relied heavily on the guidance of librarians to supply age-appropriate material for a voracious early reader. Kate’s love of reading helped carry her through law school at the University of Calgary, and she continues to devour a wide variety of fiction in her “spare” time. She has also passed her love of libraries down to her two children, who regularly accompany her to the Guiffre Family Library and Central Library locations. Kate sees libraries as exemplifying the best of our society and is excited to contribute to the growth and vibrancy of Calgary Public Library as a member of the Board.

Headshot of Kate Andrews
Headshot of Haritha Devulapally

Haritha Devulapally

Committee membership: Governance; Chair of Audit and Finance Committee
Term end: 2025

Haritha’s passion for the library dates back to when she was a child. One of the very first books she picked up at the Calgary Public Library was Matilda, written by Roald Dahl. In that instant she fell in love with reading, and through the Calgary Public Library she had the opportunity to read a vast number of books and publications that helped her succeed in her academics. Haritha believes that the Calgary Public Library is the cornerstone and heart of the Calgary community, promoting empowerment, inclusion, and economic, social, and cultural integration. Haritha looks forward to bringing her financial acumen as a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) to make a positive impact on the Calgary Public Library Board.

Gillian Hynes

Committee Membership: Governance; Strategy and Community
Term End: 2026

Immersing herself in the pages of books across diverse genres has been a lifelong passion for Gillian. This love for reading traces back to her early childhood and has seamlessly woven itself into her adult years. The roots of this passion run deep within her family; her mother, a former librarian during her teaching career, instilled this fervor for books. Continuing the tradition, Gillian’s young children eagerly explore the Central and Signal Hill branches, returning home buzzing with enthusiasm for their newfound books. Gillian firmly believes the Library is an inclusive space — a haven for learning, community, and connection. Committed to this belief, Gillian serves as a voice for change. Her voice reverberates in support of reconciliation, equity, diversity, and belonging in our communities and workplaces. Gillian passionately strives to cultivate more inclusive and sustainable environments for equity-deserving groups, channeling her enthusiasm towards sustaining these principles within Calgary Public Library.

Headshot of Gillian Hynes
Headshot of Crystal Manyfingers

Crystal Manyfingers

Committee Membership: Governance; Chair of Strategy and Community
Term End: 2026

When Crystal was a little girl in grade school, she spent many hours in the library commons at the University of Lethbridge where her mother, Dr. Helen Manyfingers, was completing her degree in Early Childhood Education. Her favorite section in the University library was the children’s book section, where she would lose herself in tales of adventures from around the world. As a First Nation member of the great Blackfoot Confederacy, Crystal has lived in the City of Calgary (Mohkintsis) for over 25 years. Her love of reading eventually led her to complete a master’s degree in Education at the University of Calgary and to publish a children’s book of her own called “A’pistotooki kii Ihkitsik Kaawa’pomaahkaa – Creator and the Seven Animals, why are we here?” Crystal is a bridge-builder between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities and looks forward to using this passion to make a positive impact on the Calgary Public Library Board.

Aaron J. Noga

Committee Membership: Audit and Finance; Governance
Term End: 2026

Aaron's lifelong love for reading began in childhood in Saskatoon, where the arrival of the neighbourhood Bookmobile sparked his imagination. His mother's passion for books laid the foundation for his literary journey. Now a father, he sees how reading shapes his son's vocabulary and perspectives. Understanding the transformative power of books, he values their role in shaping minds and fostering empathy. Calgary Public Library serves as a space for diverse communities and celebrates varied backgrounds. It's a safe, inclusive community fostering dialogue and collaboration. Aaron aims to enhance the Library's community impact, nurturing its role as a hub for learning, connection, and belonging. He's excited about contributing meaningfully to the Library, ensuring its lasting value within the community.

Headshot of Aaron J. Noga
Headshot of Kourtney Penner

Councillor Kourtney Penner

Committee Membership: City Councillor, Ward 11
Term End: 2024

Kourtney has always been an avid reader. As a kid, she loved library day in school, book fairs, and visits from what we now call the Book Truck. It’s no surprise that she studied English Literature in university. Now she enjoys attending and hosting events at the Library, bringing her own children to experience reading and playing, and taking out books (and occasionally returning them on time). Kourtney sees Calgary Public Library as an innovative civic institution, leading the way with both programming and building design. She is keen to support the continued value that Calgary Public Library delivers to Calgarians and encourage ongoing initiatives, especially those focused on youth, seniors, marginalized populations, and low-income Calgarians. 


Dana Saric

Committee Membership: Audit and Finance; Chair of Governance
Term End: 2025

Dana discovered her love of books at the same time as she discovered her local public library. As a newcomer to Canada, reading was a way to learn a language as well as a wonderful way to explore different ideas, places, and perspectives. These days, Dana enjoys the Calgary Public Library with her young family, reading the children’s collections together and participating in the robust and sociable early literacy programming. She is a lifelong learner and looks forward to contributing to the Board some of the legal and business skills she learned along the way. Dana believes that together, we can facilitate the continued growth of the Calgary Public Library as a world-class library network with learning opportunities, connection and a sense of belonging for all.
Headshot of Dana Saric
Headshot of Margaret Wu

Margaret Wu

Committee Membership: Audit and Finance; Strategy and Community; Calgary Public Library Foundation Board
Term End: 2026

Before the metaverse was part of everyday conversation, a young Margaret imagined her own version fueled by the Library. It was at the Library that Laura Ingalls Wilder taught Margaret the difference between cake and yeast donuts. Monica Hughes introduced a new way to understand prejudice and how empathy is the only bridge to both sides. And Tolkien showed her that just because something like Lord of the Rings is popular, that doesn’t mean she has to like it. Today, Margaret understands that the Library is more than a physical place; it’s an ideology too. Through the Library, she hopes to gift the next generation  a Calgary that has found a healthy balance between our right  to intellectual freedom with the responsibility as citizens to participate, respect others, and contribute positively as represented by Calgary Public Library.